Über Jennifer

Hi, I am Jennifer a wedding photographer, blogger, marketing lover and co-founder of meinmonogramm.de. I am equally addicted to coffee and green tea and I love some good jazz, the vanity fair magazine, a lazy Sunday with my kindle and the sweet village I live in with my love and business partner Conrad.

„What if I fall?“ – „Oh my darling, What if you fly?“

Being self-employed is scary. This is the open and unromantic truth. The first years you have to fight to get a standing, a branding, clients and a network. You will find yourself fighting your to-do list of accounting, blogging, networking, social media, client meetings, follow-ups, creating marketing and updating your website and thinking [...]

„What if I fall?“ – „Oh my darling, What if you fly?“2015-02-19T10:48:31+01:00

Trailer Fotografen Magazin

Wir sind sehr glücklich darüber, dass unser "Fotografen Magazin" Template (als erstes wird die deutsche Version verfügbar sein) nun beinahe fertig ist. Wir arbeiten im Moment an den letzten Details, um es in der kommenden Woche für euch fertigzustellen. Hier ist der Trailer zum "Fotografen Magazin", der euch sowohl das Magazin als auch [...]

Trailer Fotografen Magazin2015-03-10T14:41:04+01:00

Trailer Photographer Magazine

We are super excited that our "Photographer Magazine" template (first being ready is the German version)  is almost ready. We are just working on the last details to get it ready for you within the next week. Here is the trailer of how the "Photographer Magazine" showing you the whole magazine and the programs [...]

Trailer Photographer Magazine2015-06-01T14:47:29+02:00


Heute weichen wir von der normalen Reihenfolge unserer Vorschauposts ein wenig ab. Weil hier gestern ein "Feiertag" war, starten wir diese Woche mit dem Dienstag und einer Vorschau auf unser letztes Engagementshooting mit Stefanie & Nils. Ich wünsche euch eine schöne winterliche Woche!  


Tuesday Preview

Today we are breaking the rule of our preview posts. As yesterday was a Holiday over here we start this blog week with a Tuesday and with a preview of our latest engagement session of Stefanie and Nils. Have a lovely winter week!

Tuesday Preview2015-02-17T12:00:47+01:00
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