Über Jennifer

Hi, I am Jennifer a wedding photographer, blogger, marketing lover and co-founder of meinmonogramm.de. I am equally addicted to coffee and green tea and I love some good jazz, the vanity fair magazine, a lazy Sunday with my kindle and the sweet village I live in with my love and business partner Conrad.

Gallery Series part 6

This morning I woke up, thinking about what I could write on the blog today and thought "It is time for the gallery series again". If you want to see more posts of the gallery series click here: Gallery series. This image of Diana and Matze was taken in a small coffee house. [...]

Gallery Series part 62015-03-24T13:13:30+01:00

Montagsvorschau: Verena and Kevin

Guten Morgen! Ich hoffe, euer Start in die Woche war so sonnig wie meiner. Ich möchte diese Woche mit einem unserer neuesten Shootings beginnen und habe deswegen eine kleine Montagsvorschau für euch. Dies sind Verena und Kevin bei ihrem Engagementshooting am letzten Montag. Behaltet den Blog im Auge. Es folgt bald mehr. Habt [...]

Montagsvorschau: Verena and Kevin2015-04-22T14:58:12+02:00

Monday Preview: Verena and Kevin

Good morning! I hope your week started as sunny as mine. To start this week right with some of our most recent work I have a Monday preview to share with you. These are Verena and Kevin at their engagement session last Monday! Stay tuned, more will hit the blog soon. Have a [...]

Monday Preview: Verena and Kevin2015-03-23T15:33:28+01:00

The marketing napkin: The branding process

Hallo und herzlich Willkommen zum dritten Teil unserer Serie: "The marketing napkin“. Wenn ihr wissen möchtet warum die Serie so heisst, könnt ihr einfach diesen Post lesen: I invite you on a marketing date.  In den letzten Wochen haben wir unseren idealen Kunden definiert und herausgefunden welchen Einfluss unser idealer Kunde auf unser [...]

The marketing napkin: The branding process2015-04-22T14:53:50+02:00

The marketing napkin: The branding process

Hello and welcome back to the third episode of "The marketing napkin". If you want to know why it is called like this head over to this post: I invite you on a marketing date.  In the past weeks we defined our ideal customer and looked what influence your ideal customer has on your branding.  Now [...]

The marketing napkin: The branding process2015-08-13T15:01:01+02:00
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