Über Jennifer

Hi, I am Jennifer a wedding photographer, blogger, marketing lover and co-founder of meinmonogramm.de. I am equally addicted to coffee and green tea and I love some good jazz, the vanity fair magazine, a lazy Sunday with my kindle and the sweet village I live in with my love and business partner Conrad.

Finds Part 8

  Welcome to a new episode of “Finds” . If you want to see more of these posts and my little online finds through the world wide web garden than head over here. I love zebra Her voice is getting under my skin. Except from point 11,14 and 21 I can agree to [...]

Finds Part 82015-04-27T14:15:52+02:00

Life is beautiful

Hello and happy Friday! I know some of you are waiting for the regular Marketing post today. And I am sorry I have to disappoint you but there wont be a marketing post today. We have a very intense week over here. To be honest with you it is a  days 8 shootings [...]

Life is beautiful2015-04-24T15:59:20+02:00

Portrait: Claudia

This is the second post about the portrait session with weiperfriseure. Just simple black and white backgrounds with matching outfits to create simple and strong portraits. We ended the day with some pictures outdoor. So here is the second beautiful woman that we photographed that day: Claudia.  

Portrait: Claudia2015-04-21T18:58:19+02:00

Take passion as the foundation

This week I sat down and started to think about passion. Do you live with passion? I mean true passion in every aspect of your life? The passion that makes us open our eyes in the morning and jump out of bed because you cannot wait to get to work. The passion that [...]

Take passion as the foundation2015-04-21T15:45:52+02:00

Take passion as the foundation

This week I sat down and started to think about passion. Do you live with passion? I mean true passion in every aspect of your life? The passion that makes us open our eyes in the morning and jump out of bed because you cannot wait to get to work. The passion that [...]

Take passion as the foundation2015-04-21T15:45:52+02:00
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