Über Jennifer

Hi, I am Jennifer a wedding photographer, blogger, marketing lover and co-founder of meinmonogramm.de. I am equally addicted to coffee and green tea and I love some good jazz, the vanity fair magazine, a lazy Sunday with my kindle and the sweet village I live in with my love and business partner Conrad.


Guten Morgen! Es ist wirklich jedes Jahr das gleiche: Den ganzen Winter über sitze ich im Büro, arbeite an meiner Nebensaisonliste, denke dass die kommende Hochzeitssaison noch ganz weit weg ist und auf einmal ist sie da: Die Hochzeitssaison. Die Saison hat für uns im Mai wieder angefangen und ich konnte einfach nicht [...]


Monday Preview

Good morning and happy Monday! It is each year the same: The whole winter I am sitting there working through my off-season to-do list and thinking the next wedding season is far far away and then at once it is just there: the wedding season. So with the start of May the season [...]

Monday Preview2015-05-04T11:58:20+02:00

The Workshop

  Do you know what it means to make a dream become true? Do you know the feeling of jumping up and down and dancing in your office? Well today you can envision me pretty much like that because today we have a very big announcement: We are proud and happy to announce [...]

The Workshop2015-04-30T10:51:50+02:00

Finds Part 8

  Welcome to a new episode of “Finds” . If you want to see more of these posts and my little online finds through the world wide web garden than head over here. I love zebra Her voice is getting under my skin. Except from point 11,14 and 21 I can agree to [...]

Finds Part 82015-04-27T14:15:52+02:00
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