Über Jennifer

Hi, I am Jennifer a wedding photographer, blogger, marketing lover and co-founder of meinmonogramm.de. I am equally addicted to coffee and green tea and I love some good jazz, the vanity fair magazine, a lazy Sunday with my kindle and the sweet village I live in with my love and business partner Conrad.

3 things that I learned from relaunching my site during the most busy season of the year

Some call me crazy and every wedding photographer around me raises an eyebrow looking at me saying "You are relaunching you blog during the wedding season?" and I know what they think. Either they think I am totally crazy or they think I am just not booked enough. Well I can tell you [...]

3 things that I learned from relaunching my site during the most busy season of the year2015-08-31T14:18:34+02:00

When things change you can wait and watch or adjust to the change

Today five years ago I posted this blogpost on my small blog: Ein besonderer Geburtstag (German only). Remembering how I sat on my couch in Holland writing those personal words makes me feel a little sentimental. Looking at what has happened since then in my life feels just unreal and makes me very [...]

When things change you can wait and watch or adjust to the change2015-08-31T17:09:59+02:00

Under construction…

You might have recognized that we are not blogging that much lately. First I have to apologize for this as I appreciate each and every single reader of you and secondly I will share some news with you: we are under construction to get some new features for this blog and to separate [...]

Under construction…2015-08-11T19:49:28+02:00

Coming soon: Price list templates

The wedding season has already passed it's peak and slowly the season 2016 becomes a reality in my head. This is the time of the year to think about if we want to change our prices for the new season and if we want to update our price list with new images to [...]

Coming soon: Price list templates2015-08-06T12:14:47+02:00
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