Über Jennifer

Hi, I am Jennifer a wedding photographer, blogger, marketing lover and co-founder of meinmonogramm.de. I am equally addicted to coffee and green tea and I love some good jazz, the vanity fair magazine, a lazy Sunday with my kindle and the sweet village I live in with my love and business partner Conrad.

The wrinkles on my face…5 things I would tell myself in 2007

This morning Facebook showed me an image as a memory of 2007. It was me with two good friends in Ghent on a student party. And damn do I look young in that image. I look young and carefree and all that counted were the University,my  friends, studying with coffee till late night, [...]

The wrinkles on my face…5 things I would tell myself in 20072015-11-12T16:28:57+01:00

How to pose authentically? #frenchexperienceworkshop

Well October has been a very intense month. I even think if I should write a whole October - reflection post for it as I can barely process all the emotions, events and moments from this past month. But as I am just back from a week in Paris and München and I [...]

How to pose authentically? #frenchexperienceworkshop2015-11-03T11:12:57+01:00

I love you more than Sundays.

The best days are our Sundays. Snuggling together on the couch, watching netflix, drinking coffee watching the rain dropping on our window and dreaming big big dreams. We write down plans, we reflect the past weddings and we plan our Monday when we are back behind our desk. Those Sundays are rare. And [...]

I love you more than Sundays.2015-10-25T11:22:35+01:00

New year’s resolutions

Do you know what this season is best for? It is the season to cuddle up under your favorite blanket to sip a cup of tea/coffee/chocolate and to take your favorite notebook with your favorite pen (or in my case my favorite pencil) and write. This is the season to write down what [...]

New year’s resolutions2015-10-23T14:44:43+02:00

But… If its real… you’ll feel it.

This morning I stumbled upon a quote from Kid Rock. And though I wouldn't call Kid Rock a great philosopher his quote just touched my heart so deeply.... If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If its marketed right, you'll buy it. But... If its real... [...]

But… If its real… you’ll feel it.2015-10-21T16:42:39+02:00
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