Über Jennifer

Hi, I am Jennifer a wedding photographer, blogger, marketing lover and co-founder of meinmonogramm.de. I am equally addicted to coffee and green tea and I love some good jazz, the vanity fair magazine, a lazy Sunday with my kindle and the sweet village I live in with my love and business partner Conrad.

Getting ready in a castle #frenchexperienceworkshop

As part of our workshop The French experience in October this year I guided our attendees through a getting ready shoot in the morning of the first workshop day.  Of course the Chateau de Mairy was a beautiful location for a getting ready shoot, specially with our patient model Tammy from www.sugarlipscakes.com and [...]

Getting ready in a castle #frenchexperienceworkshop2015-11-25T11:19:07+01:00

Monday Preview

Guys it is that time of the year again: The last wedding couple received their images, it is getting dark outside at 4:30h, I cannot wait to set up the Christmas tree, Conrad forbids me to play Christmas music in the office and my hard drive is enthusiastically jumping up and down on my [...]

Monday Preview2015-11-23T16:59:57+01:00

Pros and Cons of being your own boss

Recently I got a message from an old friend an she wrote me: "I envy your life, you are free being your own boss. I want to live your life." Those are very big words to write and even bigger words to read as it is one of the biggest compliments somebody could give. [...]

Pros and Cons of being your own boss2015-11-18T10:54:26+01:00

Paris my city

I planned a different post for today. I planned to post about the happiest moment of this year for Conrad and me personally - his proposal and our engagement. What made this post to hard to post today is the fact that this happy moment just 20 days ago took place in Paris. [...]

Paris my city2015-11-16T19:36:38+01:00

The wrinkles on my face…5 things I would tell myself in 2007

This morning Facebook showed me an image as a memory of 2007. It was me with two good friends in Ghent on a student party. And damn do I look young in that image. I look young and carefree and all that counted were the University,my  friends, studying with coffee till late night, [...]

The wrinkles on my face…5 things I would tell myself in 20072015-11-12T16:28:57+01:00
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