Über Jennifer

Hi, I am Jennifer a wedding photographer, blogger, marketing lover and co-founder of meinmonogramm.de. I am equally addicted to coffee and green tea and I love some good jazz, the vanity fair magazine, a lazy Sunday with my kindle and the sweet village I live in with my love and business partner Conrad.

The marketing napkin: How to stand out in the crowd – part 1

The marketing napkin posts have become a little less frequent but I can tell you I didn't stop thinking about this series. I sat down and thought what kind of advise somebody with a creative business or just as an starting entrepreneur might need to know to get started and then I realized [...]

The marketing napkin: How to stand out in the crowd – part 12016-01-18T17:34:38+01:00

Stop waiting …..

It is Monday again and I catch myself telling myself that today is a tough day because I have a long to do list and some phone calls to make, I have to get the groceries, to do the laundry and I also have two in person meetings. It will be just one [...]

Stop waiting …..2016-01-18T18:23:21+01:00

Autumn engagement session at the castle

Where should I start with this post? It is quite hard to describe these two wonderful people that we got to photograph for their engagement session last October. Meeting these two for the first time was like meeting old friends. Do you know when the atmosphere shifts from a client meeting to a [...]

Autumn engagement session at the castle2016-01-18T19:26:47+01:00

Three things you should think about when you run a business with a creative mind

When I started working fulltime in my business in October 2010 my days were just like I imagined them: I got up and changed into sweat pants and a comfy jumper, I made coffee and somewhere I started working - checking Facebook first of course as that was now allowed officially. I worked creatively [...]

Three things you should think about when you run a business with a creative mind2019-01-07T15:36:51+01:00

An engagement in Paris

Oh Paris.... Paris has been on my heart since so long. I guess it was a dream until I visited it for the first time on September 12th 2001 (yes right one day after 9/11). I went back a few times as a tourist until I finally lived in my Paris in 2006 [...]

An engagement in Paris2016-01-11T11:52:35+01:00
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