Australian-German Wedding in Raesfeld | Miriam & Adam
Good morning my dear followers.
This morning I want to tell you about Miriam and Adam and their beautiful wedding this past July at the Castle in Raesfeld.
Miriam and Adam met each other while playing volleyball at the beach in Sydney. (Those of you reading my blog regularly should get the idea that you already read about this couple – but this is a different story). Miriam didn’t plan to stay in Australia for the rest of her life as she just came her to work and sort her life. But love never asks in advance if you are ready for a big change and so she stayed. They celebrated their wedding together with their family and friends and their little son Liam to witness them saying „I do“ to each other. This wedding as been special for their son Liam as well as he got baptised in the same ceremony his parents got married. The wedding theme was of course inspired with travelling and Australia. I am very happy I could witness this beautiful day as well. Miriam, Adam and Liam I cannot wait to see you back here in Germany !

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