Antje & Stephan | Wedding Photography Germany
He proposed in a little hotel on vacation. The bed was covered with roses and she still thought it was just some decoration of the hotel crew. When he was going down on his knees showing her a beautiful ring and asked her if she wants to marry him her only answer was: „Are you sure you want to marry me just after one year ? How would you know I am the right person ?“ He just smiled at her and said: „Well I just know“ She smiled back and in May this year they got married on the wonderful venue Jagdschloss Habichtswald in Tecklendburg.
On this wonderful day the happy couple was surrounded by their family and friends. The joy of the day even beat the rain that just started when we did the portrait session. It was wonderful to work with you both and see you in love. I wish you all the luck and health in the world for the future.
Thanks for letting me capture your beautiful day.
PS Thanks to Juliane for being my second shooter this day.

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