Anniversary shoot at Schloß Nordkirchen | Tabea & Christian
It was for sure one of my favorite weddings of 2011. 2011? Yes already three years ago I had the honour to photograph Tabea & Christian for the first time and this year for their three year wedding anniversary they came back for an anniversary photo shoot at the same location as on their wedding day.
Over those three years we always stayed in contact and I am always happy receiving „fairy tale“ CDs to keep me company during editing times as Christian is a writer for modern fairy tales. You can find all his CDs and books over here.
Photographing these two special people again was great fun and felt so familiar.
The best thing about an anniversary shoot in contrast to a wedding day is going to a coffee house after the shoot and just chatting about what happened in the past three years.
Tabea and Christian it was wonderful to see you again and to photograph you again. I am sure we will see each other again in the future maybe next time it is time for us to come to see your town and meet your furbabes. Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday gift too :-)

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