Anja & Thomas | Engagement session in the heart of Münster

Shortly before their wedding I got an email from Yvonne telling me that her best friend and witness got asked to get married as well and that she wanted to give them an engagement session as a present. One week after the wedding of Phillip and Yvonne I then met with Anja and Thomas for a wonderful session. They were really prepared and brought balloons and different props and outfits to create different styles for their session. We started at the Aasee in Münster and ended in the old city. It was so much fun to chat about the wedding the week before about how they met each other and about their own wedding plans. I love engagement session because they are always relaxed and fun and perfect to get to know a couple. They want to use their pictures for the wedding invitation and I can’t wait to see them printed… for their wedding in 2013….




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