An engagement session by the water | Anna-Lena & Christian
I met Anna-Lena back at school because she was the younger sister of one of my class mates with whom I went to school with from the 1st till the 13th grade, so basically my whole time at school. We met again two years ago at a local market here in our village where her mother had a jam booth and we were presenting our photo booth ( We sat and chatted all day long and talked about everything that happened in the past years. It was so much fun to see her again. This year I received a message from her telling me that she and Christian were getting married and when we would be available to book her wedding. She wanted to book us first to make sure we were available. I was humbled and happy that doesn’t happen often to a photographer.
In October we finally also met Christian and photographed this wonderful couple at a lake. They wanted water included in their session and this was the perfect location.
We cannot wait to photograph the wedding of you two, thanks for the joyful and fun morning together at the lake.

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