An engagement in Paris
Oh Paris….
Paris has been on my heart since so long. I guess it was a dream until I visited it for the first time on September 12th 2001 (yes right one day after 9/11). I went back a few times as a tourist until I finally lived in my Paris in 2006 (Oh gosh that is already 10 years ago I just realize…). Since then Conrad and me try to come back at least once a year and this time he prepared something so special… As cliche as it sounds he proposed to me in Paris at one of „our spots“ but for us it wasn’t cliche at all. It was the most romantic moment for me in the middle of 100 Asian tourists photographing the Eiffel Tower. We were sitting on the border of a fountain sipping a glass of Champagne to Conrad’s birthday that evening when a cloud of tourists came circling us to get the best shot of the tower. That moment he opened the little black box telling me with a changed film citation of Forrest Gump that he doesn’t know much but he knows that what we have was special and if I wanted to marry him. Scared to be seen by any tourist who would start applauding causing a scene and at the same time excited and happy that my heart could explode I answered „Yes of course.But please put the ring away until all the tourists are gone.“ We started laughing, toasting with champagne, we kissed we hugged and were happy there on the fountain in between so many people around us. And everybody was so focussed on that tower that luckily that moment was exclusive for us and we didn’t have to share it with anybody.
The next day we decided we would need some engagement pictures and so we did it our way: capturing each other, me with my new favorite piece of jewelry on my ring finger. Let the story continue after 13,5 years of dating we are now engaged.

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