A wedding at the Fonteinhof in Belgium | MC & Thomas
First of all I have to admit I have a weakness for winter weddings – I just love the cozyness, I love that everything is planned rain proof and I love the colors and the atmosphere of a winter day. This past December we had the honour to photograph the wedding of MC and Thomas at the beautiful location Het Fonteinhof in Borgloon in Belgium. When I first met MC and Thomas for their engagement session in Tervuren we walked the beautiful park of Tervuren to capture them with the proposal drawn into a tree. Seeing them now again was like walking into a wedding of friends. Their beautiful day was filled with love and joy as theiy were both absolutely in love with each other and enjoying having their family and friends around them. Though having a long day with around 350 people for the reception and shaking many many hands they were the most relaxed couple truly enjoying every second of their day and every moment they had together. We’ve stayed 16 hours on this wedding and there wasn’t one boring moment as everything was planned perfectly by their master of ceremony Valere Peeters. MC and Thomas you guys are a beautiful couple together. It was so much fun and a true honor to photograph your engagement and of course your special wedding day in Belgium.  Location: Het Fonteinhof (www.fonteinhof.be/) Master of Ceremony: Valere Peeters (www.valere-peeters.be/) Church: Sint-Leonarduskerk Zoutleeuw Wedding dress: Pronovias (www.pronovias.com) Wedding Photography: Jennifer Hejna (www.jenniferhejna.com)

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