A classy wedding in Maastricht | Nancy & Alex

A wedding ceremony in a museum is a dream for art lovers. Nancy and Alex‘ wedding make this dream come true for them and for me to capture it. It was a beautiful day in June, the weather was just perfect and the locations were adorable. Nancy planned the whole day into the details so nothing was left to chance. We had the chance to get two portrait sessions on the day to capture them in their chosen home city Maastricht and to get some lovely pictures in the countryside. Nancy and Alex love Burgundian lifestyle with good food and wine and a touch of French „Savoir-Vivre“. Nancy is a French teacher and I just felt home when I saw all the beautiful French books in her bookshelf. I enjoyed sharing the passion for French with one of my brides.
After the ceremony and the portrait session we went to the Cafe Modern in Teuven which is already in Belgium. The sun was warming up the afternoon and their dream of a French inspired wedding on the countryside became true. It was beautiful that is all I can say.

The ceremony was really special as it was held by an officiant and a priest. Like this Nancy and Alex could get legally married and blessing from god without getting married in church and without having two ceremonies.

Nancy and Alex thank you so much for letting us capture your day and living a day of Burgundian „Savoir-Vivre“ with you – you and Maastricht are in my heart !









































































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