A chinese wedding in Leuven Part 2 | Lily & Tom
For the second part of Lily and Tom’s wedding I want to let Lily speak herself with some quotes I took from her emails she sent me after she saw her wedding pictures.
If you missed part one click here to see it.
And here is also the wedding film of Lily and Tom by Noa Film:
„You know, Tom loved all the getting-ready pictures where he was not there to see it, but the best was his reaction after he saw the newlyweds couple shoot and he said (and i QUOTE)Â “ Actually we didn’t really need a fancy background or the city hall of Leuven. just somewhere quiet with Jennifer and her camera“Â :)
This statement reminded me of how when we started out a year ago and all we saw in Belgium were photographers with pictures that were really really plain and old school. We kept comparing them to Asian photographers in Hong Kong and China that were a lot more modern and took beautiful pre-wedding pictures with beautiful landscapes. For some reason, i kept searching and asking for full galleries. And the more i saw, the more confused and unhappy i became when we saw full galleries that did not live up to the feature pictures . finally, when we found you. i remember telling my mother how much i loved your couples shoot and she replied „then just go with it, cos those will be the most important pictures“ And today, i can’t help but feel so proud to have had you cos i really haven’t seen couples shoot that exudes such a level of intimacy, intensity, warmth, and love and it makes us feel like we literally found a gem :) Even when we were in PHuket i was lamenting that i didn’t get a formal with my sisters individually, and when i saw the picture in the bridal room, i thought, no formal photo could beat this beautiful candid shot of Lian in her full personality and character bubbling with laughter that she brings to our lives.
I REALLY really cannot tell you enough how grateful and lucky i feel to have had you. I can’t believe it took us this long to find you (it never occurred to us to look outside Belgium!), and this long to decide, and now when i look at the selection, i can’t believe we have pictures that we love this much that we can keep for life.
And on the flight back, Tom told me you’re just 28!! Its so amazing and inspiring!“

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