Our welcome kit
The idea for our welcome kit came from numerous emails with our brides. Our goal is it for each bride to give her the best wedding experience that she can get. As usually it is the first wedding for each bride and we have plenty of experience build up during the last years we always give tips for the day. And not only for the photography. We give recommendations for other vendors and we give tips for the day like time planning and what is the less stressfull for the bridal couple and the best for great images. Some questions come over and over again and so we decided to create a little present for our bridal couples with all the answers and tips they are looking for. We looked at predesigned welcome package options from the US but we quickly found out that it wasn’t right for us because of three reasons: The formats are US formats and you can never print them in Europe. The information was perfect for a wedding in the US but for our weddings here in Europe it didn’t quite fit the day timeline and traditions. And above all we had to get everything translated to German and Dutch as we want to give each and every couple the best experience in their mother tongue. During this process I asked Conrad: „Don’t you think other photographers, specially those who work part time or just start out might find this information really valuable ? What if we create one version where other photographers only need to fill in their Photography studio name and have the whole welcome kit ready to print in DIN formats?“ And he answered „We would have loved an option like that when we started out.“ So we started brainstorming and designing our own information looking through old emails to see what is the most interesting for our brides (and grooms of course). We got it translated and checked in German, Dutch and English and we adjusted and changed the formats so that it can be easily printed on either a home printer or sent to a European printer. We will offer this welcome kit in three languages soon here for photographers to buy and download. If you want to be one of the first ones to know more about it just leave your email address here.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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