Beach engagement on the island Juist: Patrice & Sascha

When you arrive in Norddeich and take the ferry to the little island Juist you cannot do anything but calm down. You see the mainland fading slowly and the sky starts touching the water. You hear nothing but the sound of the ferry and you feel your thoughts and heatbeat getting a step slower. I was excited to go to Juist to photograph Patrice and Sascha’s engagement session as I have never been to that island before. Actually I have never been to German islands before with the exception of Borkum when I was 4 years old. With a loud horn the ferry arrives in the small harbour and you see horses, coaches and bikes with trailers waiting for the new tourists to arrive. There are no cars on Juist which is really hard to imagine and I couldn’t do anything against it but to smile when seeing all those horses and coaches. After spending one day for us two together to just calm down and enjoy the nice island Patrice and Sascha and their pug dog Eddy arrived too.

We walked together along the beach (four of us voluntarily and Eddy more grudging about the long walk) and the dunes. We chatted about their wedding, the island and life in general. After having a delicous dinner at the harbour we took the chance again to take the last bit of sunlight for some portraits.

Patrice and Sascha thank you so much for the wonderful day together. We cannot wait to photograph your wedding in July.

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