5 plugins that will make your blog more powerful – Part II
It took a little while to prepare part two of this series. Thanks for everybody who waited for this post. And for those of you who didn’t read the first part here it is.
So here is the second part of my WordPress plugins recommendations for a powerful blog.
1. WPML – If you have clients from different countries and you consider writing your blog and creating your website in two languages WPML is the best and most professional plugin you can use to have a bilingual site or even more languages included in your website.
2. Woo Sidebars – My website design has a sidebar and if you click through different pages of my site you might recognize that I have different sidebars for different pages. I use this to have different content for the blog and for the home page for instance. This simple plugin helps you creating sidebars for different subpages on your blog and website.
3. Download Monitor – At the moment we offer two freebies on our site for download. The Blog Planner and my InDesign Album Templates. The download monitor plugin makes it easy to offer content for free download and it shows me how often those files were downloaded.
4. Woo Commerce – You see that Woo has some great plugins! If you want to implement a shop into your website Woo Commerce is absolutely easy to use  and a very affordable too.
5. WPEngine – WPEngine is not exactly a plugin but a server host. But what is different from them and all other server hosts is that they are very affordable, specialized in WordPress and they take care of your backups and security. The best choice for a professional WordPress blog!
PS If you need somebody to make the step to WPEngine and you are afraid of all the technical stuff just contact the guys from ++-

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