5 fun facts about Conrad that you didn’t know
Some of you might remember the post „5 fun facts about Jennifer that you didn’t know“. So I thought it was time to present my better half and business partner Conrad with „5 fun facts about Conrad that you didn’t know“.
1) Conrad is addicted to film music. Hans Zimmer, John Williams, Danny Elfman you name it he listens to them all day long.
2) Conrad’s mother is Dutch. That made it easier for him to learn the Dutch language and explains his second addiction for Dutch fried food.
3) When he was a child his dream was so ride an elephant. Unlike his two brothers this was one of the few wishes and dreams he had as a child so his parents made that dream become true.
4) He could watch Lord of the rings every week.
5) He makes the best fried potatoes on this planet. Seriously!

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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