Summer wedding at Steverburg | Steffi & Stefan
Warning: If you don’t have time – don’t read this post. I just couldn’t decide as the wedding day of Steffi and Stefan was so so pretty that this is a long long post. So I warned you…
I met Steffi and Stefan already in January 2013 for our first meeting. You could say these two like to plan in advance. In August 2013 I photographed their small civil wedding and now in 2015 we finally celebrated their big wedding. Three points that made this day so special:
- a couple madly in love (when you see the portraits you will see what I mean)
- a big big family from Italy and Germany and we just love international families, it makes everything so alive and fun on a wedding day
- the sweetest friends who prepared wonderful surprises for Steffi and Stefan
In short this day was just so full of love and laughter that don’t even remember we were working that day. We were enjoying a beautiful wedding day – only 5 km away from our home.
Wedding Location: Steverburg
Wedding Rings: Marrying Münster
Wedding Dress: Rembo StylingÂ

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