3 questions you should answer if you are considering booking our workshop and one publication

We are here starting into the wedding season and organizing our wedding photography workshop with our friend Anouschka Rokebrand.

Here are three questions for you that if you answer them with „yes!“ you should definitely join us at our workshop in France in October.

1. Do you want to know how we changed our price structure and doubled our booking rate? Conrad and me we will tell you everything about it.

2. Do you want to know how to get published on Style Me Pretty and other famous wedding blogs. Anouschka and our guest speaker Louise Beukes will share all their secrets to get published.

3. Do you want to shoot a gorgeous styled shoot at a French chateau that you can use later on for your portfolio, publications and blog? Well then this goes without saying, this is your chance to upgrade your portfolio.

If you have any more questions just send us an email!

If you want to know more about our workshops have a look at our brochure.



And speaking about publications: We are so excited to see our black tie inspired styled shoot on my favorite German wedding blog Hochzeitswahn this week. Follow the link to see the full feature and get inspired by Patricia’s beautiful blog.



hochzeitswahn publikation

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