2016 in a review
Here it is January again…
Where 2012 was the year of saying good bye and making new friends, 2013 was the year of arriving home and traveling at the same time. 2014 was the year of finding new roots and starting to dream big. 2015 was the year of realizing a big dream and building a new business and the year where Conrad asked me to marry him. 2016 was the year of big changes, a year of settling down and saying ‚I do‘, it really was a year to prepare everything for the next step.
So here is my top 10 experience list of 2016
Most challenging in 2016
2016 flew by like a roller coaster most because we moved our house and our office (to two different places). The biggest challenge for me this year was to not loose my head and to focus on each single next step…
Biggest personal accomplishment
Loosing that weight that was on my list, and on my hips for years. I finally feel myself again. People always tell me that feeling good has nothing to do with weight, but for me it was a big issue. I feel better now.
Most exciting thing I did in 2016
Moving into my grand parents house. A home that feels more like a home, like I always belonged he.
Best books in 2016
The desire map – Danielle La Porte
Big Magic – Elizabeth Gilbert
Biggest inspiration and influenceÂ
My coach Lesley Stefanski who worked with me through a very difficult phase, always read between the lines of what I said and always knew what was going to be the right next step for me.
Basically each startup case that I could find online or offline about start up companies and what they did to make it happen.
Most emotional moment in 2016
Getting married … no words needed. I just can’t wait for the big wedding this year.
New technology in 2016
The fire TV stick – finally netflix from bed.
The new laser – meinmonogramm.de now also offers laser engraved products with monograms besides embroided products.
I am grateful for
My words 2015 were so perfect… I just needed to add some lines.
It is clichee but classic – I am grateful for my family and friends, I am grateful for Conrad by my side living towards our shared dreams. I am grateful for everybody who believed in us and for everybody who made this big and scary dream for building up a webshop out of nothing true. I am grateful for dinner evenings with Conrad or with my parents where we just get to talk about life, work and everything in between. I am greatful for the best friends who made our civil wedding day as special as if it was a big wedding. I am grateful for all the help that we received this year from family and friends near and far. I am grateful for good red wine, because sometimes everything you need is just a fine glass of red wine and a table to put your feet on. I am grateful for everybody who keeps following my blog, though the frequency of posts decreased this year. I am grateful for each and every client, for weddings for monograms, for mentoring and for marketing templates – thank you for trusting us.
Favorite QuoteÂ
People are afraid of big changes, but usually embrace little changes. The best thing about little changes is they add up to one big one.  – Simon Sinek
Best movie I watched in 2016
Fantastic beasts and where to find them.
The Danish girl
Best food I had in 2016
You know I am a foodie and crazy about great restaurants but this year the best food was simple: tapas at my mum’s, pasta at my dad’s, and stew at my mother-in-law’s home. Simple authentic food that was made with love to keep us happy and healthy during this whirlwind of a year… where we sometimes forgot to eat.
Resolutions for 2017 besides living healthy, loosing weight and stop smoking (wait I don’t smoke…)
Well, well… 2015 was the year of authenticity and 2016 was the year of living intentional… 2017 I need to calm down, to be home and settling down. The past years have been so full of change and taking risks and starting over again that in 2017 I need some time to settle, to slowly grow, to take my time. 2017 should be the year of balance.
Photo of myself: Julia Schick

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