2013 a review – part 2 !
It were the endless car drives from home to wedding and wedding to home.
It was the packing suitcases over and over again.
It was the getting ready routine before a wedding. I am trying to do my hair – he makes the coffee.
It was „I do“ and a tear in my eye on every single wedding.
It was falling on to the couch or into the bed after a wedding, drinking one beer and talking with excitement about the whole day that just passed by until one of us fell asleep.
It was dreaming big dreams.
It were all the small moments in between, the couples themselves, their guests, the locations and it was us.
It was 2013 and because I cannot say it in words or choose images for the „best of“ section 2013 here is a little video that shows our wedding year to you.
No more words needed – enjoy the show !

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