2011 Wedding Review : Ring Shots
Welcome to the second part of my 2011 wedding review. I love the ring shots on every wedding. The ring is so personal to the couples and will accompany them for the rest of their lives.
I love being creative with the rings and showing the unique inside and outside of every ring. As much as I love my black and white pictures but the ring shots should always be in colour to show the beauty of every single ring. I am always very careful with the rings because I know how important they are for my couples. So it is not always easy to find „save“ creative places for the rings. One of my goals for 2012 is getting even more creative and better in my ring shots.
I hope you enjoy this episode : 2011 wedding review : Ring shots
Keep an eye on the blog tomorrow I will show my favourite bridal portraits 2011.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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