2011 Wedding Review : Getting Ready
I wish you all a fantastic year 2012 full of health, love and happiness.
2011 has been a wonderful and exciting year for me and I am very grateful for all my couples who allowed me to be part of their special day and their lives. I am also thankful for all the new people that I met in 2011 and those who became new friends.
2011 has been a year of learning and thinking about defining my style. I had to realize how hard it is to find a style and actually find words that describe it. The definition of a style is a process that, from my point of view, doesn’t just end. It is a constant process of improvements and new inspirations. I am not afraid of changes as long as they feel right but I am afraid of putting myself out here and writing about it. Finding a style is very personal and when you look around you see so many photographers who found their style and stand behind it and often I catch myself looking at others and comparing myself or feeling jealous somebody else found it and I am still searching. The more you compare yourself the more you get lost from your own way and the harder it is to find it back. So I started focussing on the things I like, the things that move me and what I want others to „feel“ when they see my pictures. I wrote and wrote and found a lot of things that didn’t fit me and didn’t fit my style. Finally I defined four words that define the style I want to show: elegant, emotional, natural and intimate. These words might be subject to change in a while to find more specific words, words that narrow it down even more. But for now I think this is a great point to start with.
I want to start of this year with a little view back to 2011. I decided to make this a little series with 8 episodes.
The first episode is called: Wedding Review 2011 -Â „Getting Ready“ . I chose these pictures as these pictures show my four words. Not all of these weddings have been on my blog yet – so see it as a little sneak peek what is coming soon. I limited myself to only show 10 pictures.
Keep an eye on the blog tomorrow I will show my top 10 ring shots of 2011.
I love the pure picture showing the anticipation and last quiet, intimate moment before the bride sees her groom for the first time
The grace and elegance when a bride finishes her preparations.
The two pictures belong together and show all four words: intimate, natural, emotional and elegant
The intimate moment full of elegance when the mother of the bride closes the wedding dress.
I love using mirrors during the getting ready to underline the elegance and intimacy of the moment.
I am very lucky with beautiful light. Light that emphasizes the natural moment of the bride doing her own make up.
I ask all women who help with the dress to get dressed beforehand to make sure nobody will be in jeans or sweatpants and to assure simply elegant pictures.
I love the happiness and emotions during the getting ready.
Natural grace of a bride getting her make-up done.
The elegant finishing touch that every bride needs.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.
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